Welcome to appointment scheduling with Ocelot+!

Effortlessly arrange your patients' appointments with these simple steps:

 STEP 4: Set your Patient’s Appointment 

 Tip: Specific articles are linked to each section. Hover the bold letters and click the desired article to read. 

  1. Arrange your patients' appointments by configuring a calendar schedule according to their preferences.

    • This will enable you to efficiently schedule appointments for patients. After logging in, you can select the patient’s preferred date from the calendar to view available slots and initiate the "New Appointment" form. You can enter required details such as the patient's name, with the option to add a new patient if necessary. Confirm appointment details, add notes if needed, and then save the appointment to schedule the patient. The process concludes with saving the appointment or canceling the action if required.

With these steps, you'll efficiently schedule appointments for your patients, ensuring a seamless experience within the Ocelot+ Portal.

 Previous Step: Add your Patients 

 Next Step: Create the Cash Sales