Welcome to cash sales management with Ocelot+!

Efficiently record and manage cash sales with these steps:

 STEP 5: Create the Cash Sales 

 Tip: Specific articles are linked to each section. Hover the bold letters and click the desired article to read. 

  1. Create cash sales for your patient

    • This will facilitate the recording and management of cash sales. You are directed to the Cash Sales Dashboard where you can search for customers, filter sales by dates, view sales details, edit and print receipts, and initiate new cash sales transactions. Input customer details, select sale items and quantities, and add payment type and details. The process concludes with saving the cash sales transaction or canceling the action if necessary.

With these steps, you'll effectively manage cash sales transactions for your patients, ensuring accuracy and efficiency within the Ocelot+ Portal.

 Previous Step: Set your Patient’s Appointment 

 Next Step: Setup Other Needed Information