Welcome to the Practice Integrations Dashboard, where you can seamlessly integrate Ocelot's booking system into your website. By logging in and accessing the Booking Widget section, you can generate a unique Practice Key and incorporate the booking functionality directly onto your site.

  1. Log in to https://account.ocelot.plus/integrations
  2. In the Practice Integrations Dashboard, you will see the section for Booking Widget.
    • Practice Key:
      • This unique code connects your website with Ocelot's booking system.
      • If you need to change this code for security or updates, use the "Regenerate Key" buttons.
  3. Add the Booking Widget to your Practice Website
    • Copy and paste the provided HTML code into an HTML file, then open it in a web browser to see it in action.
    • Place it where you want the booking button to appear on your website.
    • This will incorporate buttons that trigger the booking widget to open.
    • When clicked, either a modal window or an embedded frame will appear, enabling users to book an appointment.

    • Code Functions [Developer Side]:
      • Practice Key: 
        • This is an API key or identifier for your specific account with Ocelot. They are used to authenticate the widget on your website, ensuring that the data it handles is correctly associated with your account.
      • The "Regenerate Key" buttons next to each key allow you to create a new one in case the old one is invalidated for security reasons.
      • HTML Code
        • This iframe element loads the booking system from a specified URL. The URL includes a query parameter (key) which passes the practice key to the widget. The iframe has attributes setting its width to 100% of its container's width and a height of 768 pixels, meaning it will be responsive in width but fixed in height.
        • The iframe will display the booking widget on any webpage where this HTML snippet is embedded. 
        • Website visitors can use the widget to make bookings directly through the embedded iframe without leaving the host website.

By following these steps, the booking widget should be visible and functional on your website, allowing visitors to schedule appointments directly through the Ocelot system.

To learn more about booking an appointment, please visit the How to Book an Appointment on Ocelot+ article.