Welcome to the Practice Setup section of Ocelot+!

Establishing your practice information is vital for efficient management. Here's a simplified breakdown of the sections you'll encounter:

 STEP 2: Setup your Practice 

 Tip: Specific articles are linked to each section. Hover the bold letters and click the desired article to read. 

  1. Practice Details: Update essential practice information like name, contact details, and logo. Follow the prompts to ensure all required details are completed.
  2. Location & Hours: Input and adjust your practice's location and working hours, including breaks. Easily manage your schedule by removing unnecessary lunch or break schedules.
  3. Practice Staff: Add new Optometrist or Dispenser staff with ease. Manage your team effectively by completing necessary fields and updating staff details as needed.
  4. Sales Invoice Items: Organize and update inventory details effortlessly. Add, edit, or delete items, specifying details like item code, description, and supplier information.
  5. Cash Sales Items: Manage items available for cash sales efficiently. Add, edit, or delete items with required details such as item code, description, and sell price.
  6. Referring Practitioners (optional): Efficiently manage referring practitioners associated with your practice. Add, edit, or delete records as needed, filling in the required details for each practitioner.
  7. Third-Party Billers (optional): Add, edit, or delete billers associated with your practice with ease. Complete the required details for each biller as prompted.
  8. Suppliers: Add or edit supplier information seamlessly. Fill in the required details and save them to add new suppliers or update existing records.
  9. Appointments: Customise appointment-related preferences to suit your needs. Adjust settings such as time scale and default view, then save changes to complete customization.

With these steps, you'll efficiently set up your practice information within the Ocelot+ Portal.

 Previous Step: Log in to your Ocelot+ Account 

 Next Step: Add your Patients