Welcome to Ocelot+ Support! In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps to submit a ticket to our support team, ensuring your questions and concerns are addressed promptly.

For Users inside the Ocelot+ Dashboard 
  1. Login to https://support.ocelotplus.com.au/a/tickets/filters/open
  2. This will direct you to the “Tickets” form where you can click the “New” button and select from its dropdown list.
  3. Click the “New Ticket” from the dropdown list and complete the required and necessary fields.
    • Contact - The email address of the requester
    • Subject - The topic of your concern
    • Type - Select from the list below:
      • Question
      • Incident
      • Problem
      • Feature Request
      • Refund
    • Status - Select from the list below:
      • Open
      • Pending
      • Resolved
      • Closed
    • Priority - Select from the list below:
      • Low
      • Medium
      • High
      • Urgent
    • Group - Select from the list below:
      • Accounts and Billing
      • Privacy
      • Technical Support
    • Agent - Select from the list below:
      • Ocelot+ Marketing
      • Ocelot+ Support
    • Description - The details of your concern
    • Tags - Related topics to be tagged but is optional
      • Note: Ticking on the “Create another” box will let you stay on the same page for you to create another ticket.

  4. Click the “Create” button to generate the ticket or “Cancel” to close this action.
    • Note: The dropdown indicator within the 'Create' button enables you to submit a ticket with a 'Closed' status.

For Users navigating through the Ocelot+ Knowledge Base 
  1. Click the “New Support Ticket” link.
    • Note: Only logged-in users have access to submitting a ticket to Ocelot+ Support.

  2. Fill in the required and necessary fields then click the “Submit” button to complete the process or “Cancel” to close this action.
    • Note: The requester field is automatically pre-filled and cannot be modified.

Congratulations! You've successfully submitted a ticket to Ocelot+ Support. Our team will now review your request and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for reaching out to us for assistance.